
Principal Supervisor

Chongyang Shi, born in August 1980, Ph.D., associate professor, visiting scholar at University of Technology Sydney. He received a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Northeast Normal University in 2002, a master’s degree in software engineering from Beijing Institute of Technology in 2004, and a doctoral degree in computer science from Beijing Institute of Technology in 2011. He is currently the director of the BIT’s Institute of Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering, in the direction of intelligent information retrieval. He has been engaged in research work in artificial intelligence, natural language processing, deep learning, intelligent information retrieval, personalized recommendation, opinion and emotion mining, etc., and has rich research experience in these directions. He presided over a number of vertical projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, sub-project of the National Key R&D Program, cooperation project between BIT and Taipei University of Technology, open project of the State Key Laboratory of the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Basic Research Fund of Beijing Institute of Technology. At the same time, he also participated in a number of projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the New Century Talent Funding Project of the Ministry of Education, presided over a number of horizontal projects, and published more than 30 papers in international high-level journals and conferences such as TKDE, AAAI, WWW, and SIGIR. Obtained one software copyright and 13 national patents.

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